Wednesday, January 2, 2013

NOT a post about resolutions.


I don't think so.

Heard a radio news story recently clearly stating the biggest reason for failing on those pesky annual New Year's resolutions comes from actually calling them New Year's resolutions.  Apparently attaching the high pressure title to those self-improvement, dead-before-they've-begun, goals is a sure kiss of death.

Therefore, I will not be 'making' resolutions.

In fact, I'm not even going to discuss the subject any further.

Instead, I want to talk about nail polish.

For the past 3 weeks, since the week of December 3rd, 2012, I've been on strike.  No cleaning up after boys, no sorting clothes, and definitely no bathroom duty.

No checking account, no bills, no stress, no mess.

But, as a replacement, I have engaged in the regular use of nail polish.

There have been 5, count them 5, different colors on the fingernails in the past several weeks.  This has not happened since the life of pre-children.

And, the most exciting thing about this whole deal is that I don't avoid the colors; all those lushious dark, deep, and creamy rich colors I have again begun to use.  I am not staying away from those beauties just because the color 'might' chip. And, if that dreaded chipping does indeed happen, I will simply paint them all over again.

My nails have never looked better!  :)

I know, I know....not the most descriptive narrative about the strike.  Not too many details to share, except to say that I've reached a decision about my 'previous' job as the 'housemaid;' it was too exhausting wondering why, on a daily basis, I had turned into the general manager, head-house keeper, meal planner, bill-doer, administrative assistant, AND head laundromat coordinator.  It's true.  I simply turned in my strike notice; no notification to the union, just the official yellow paper.

Pants said I couldn't be on strike because no demands had been presented.  But demands are simple.

No more cleaning up of messes besides my own and all members of the family 'must get' responsible for participating in the above-mentioned managerial roles.

And thus, my lovely, newly manicured, and polished nails.

Tonight's colors?  Brick Wall Red with Rainbow in the Skyline glitter on my tootsies and Gunmetal on the tips of my phalanges.  I am, indeed, enjoying my strike.

And DON'T anyone dare call this a New Year's resolution!

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